“The Mendocino Coastal Range is an extraordinary experience. Seeing and painting the landscape changing every minute with wind, rains, and calm days of sun and warmth, enchants one to imagine romantic times of the past.
The trees speak for themselves and nature dances through her rhythms to enlighten your spirit and help you remember how lucky you are to be in this paradise of beauty.
I trust the paintings I am showing will encourage you to walk among our Mendocino landscapes.”
-Serafina Andrews
Serafina Andrews
At one time Serafina Andrews enjoyed a career as a concert ballerina and classical Spanish dancer, touring internationally. Since that time she can be described as a true Renaissance artist with a love of the human form in drawing and painting and in studies of the wonder of nature on the California coast.
Having studied at the Chounard Art Institute in Los Angeles, her art career led to teaching seminars throughout Europe, showings of her work in galleries and receiving awards at many juried art shows.
Serafina is also a writer and illustrator and has recently published a children’s book called: Dream Time with the Fairy Angels. Other works include: The Wisdom of Emotions, a spiritual guide to transforming the inner conflicts of mind body and soul, Keys of Passage, The Egyptian Book of Temple Initiations, and The Daughters of Delphi, Prophecies of Awakening.