Rachel Lahn
Rachel Lahn has been painting since childhood. She holds a BFA in painting and printmaking and an MAT from the Rhode Island School of Design in Providence. She shows at many galleries, including the Prentice Gallery in Mendocino, the Elk Artists Collective, and by appointment at her studio in Anderson Valley. Of her work she says,
“My paintings and dimensional constructions are about how the juxtaposition of shapes create their own reality. They are reflections of my feelings, experiences and countless transitions.
I like my work to speak for itself... not too many words. I build abstract relief constructions out of canvas, plaster, wire , wood and recycled packing material. I paint them with acrylic paint. Once started they take on a life of their own, one form inspiring the next. When I need shape and color inspiration for a piece, I go outside and absorb the life and light in the plants, Redwood trees, mountains, ocean and sunlight that surround me. I paint and draw the energies and shapes of nature.”